In Order to Form a More Perfect Union

Take comfort, my friends…we are all dying. It may take some of us a little longer to complete the journey but in the end no one fails the course. A life span that evokes praise from our fellow travelers for longevity is still a speck in time in the hereafter, where time is not recognized as a measure of any consequence…eternity has no beginning and no end, which brings me to the point of this discussion.

It is a short life but if lived well it is the greatest gift of all, granted only by the Supreme Being we know as God. The founders of this great nation were of the mind that God the Creator would not put us on this earth, our spirits in flesh and bone, to be contained in our potential by other men. Therefor, when the stars were perfectly aligned and opportunity knocked, these great men of destiny came together to establish a new nation, where men can achieve their highest potential, unhampered by the dictates of oppressive government. They described it as a government of the people, for the people and by the people. Toward this end they pledged all they possessed and put their lives and the lives of their families in great jeopardy for the sake of future generations; us.

Governments with the power of critical decision over its citizens’ personal destiny rob us of free will and self determination in order to control the hearts and minds of the nation…maybe hearts not so much. It is free will and self determination that liberates creativity and the will to succeed. No government can bestow those benefits, it can only deprive us. If we give that power away we are squandering nature’s greatest gift and when our time is up we are not likely to have developed our spiritual gifts, our creative potential or passed down the word of God and the free will and self determination that glorifies God and reaps the blessings life has to offer. If I can think of no other obligation that accompanies our birthright it is to preserve the freedom we enjoy for future generations.

Once again in the annals of civilized governance, after years of erosion of principles, ethics and integrity, a nation has a clear choice between freedom and domination. Judea Christian values embodied in a government that resembles our original format are openly challenged by forces that appeal to the lowest denominator, protecting the social programs that enticed them to forsake their God given independence.

If we allow this existing government that began its life by declaring it is not going to respect the oath of office and will instead commit to reverse the Constitutional order of authority unique to our Republic, we also cede our religious freedom and accept amoral decomposition of our civilization. If not capitalism, what? Would you knowingly allow the initiatives below to change the country our forefathers envisioned, in the hopes of recreating the more perfect union? If we don’t stop it we will inherit the ashes.

The most unqualified candidate to ever seek the office, who ran with more confidence and bravado than even the most egotistical of politicians can normally muster, brazenly told us he was about to bring fundamental change to America. We assumed he was talking about positive change when in fact his “accomplishments” or initiatives, listed below, speak for themselves. If you are of the opinion that I am presenting only one side all I can say is, I wish there was another side.

Attack gun ownership, weaken the Second Amendment

Eliminate borders

grant amnesty by decree

dissolve sovereignty

challenge states’ authority

appoint radicals

overwhelm all institutions

Control education

Plant the notion that children are the responsibility of the state

Burden Emergency Care Facilities to the max

increase dependency exponentially

dilute the currency

weaken the military

create private militia outside normal government umbrella

discredit local law enforcement

punish law enforcement officers

create unrest and dissatisfaction

incite and reward rioting

discredit and uproot customary religious institutions

persecute religious populations

Replace Chaplains with Imams in military and universities

Reduce top military brass

confiscate wealth

Increase taxes and taxing

Waste money on meaningless projects

spend outlandishly and tell others to conserve

disrupt middle class work ethic

realign international interests

declare infallibity in the face of catastrophic failure

blame opposing party

punish and ridicule critics

If you can impose all of the above and still hold the loyalty of most of the party that nominated you, transformation is practically inevitable. Not a single offensive action he assigned to our military in the Middle East was intended to win a battle, much less a war.

Obviously anyone who spends a presidency on initiatives that can only destroy our Constitutional Republic should be stopped in his tracks. To belabor the motives or loyalties involved is to provide time and space for the betrayal to play out. Calling me and all those that see the danger and sound the alarm names is signing a death warrant with our own names on it. Discussing our current situation in terms of Barack’s legacy is hypocritical. His only legacy should be exposure, removal and full accountability.

Some might consider America to be at a crossroads of democracy at the moment, with the Republic on one leg and an autocracy of some sort on the other. I see it more like a dead end. America must go back to our roots, repair the road going forward once more and the dead end will have miraculously been removed for our heirs. Man has a natural right to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness. Who dares to claim otherwise is an enemy of the people…it is blasphemous to take what the Creator has endowed and claim the right to ration these gifts.

God bless America,


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